This publication addresses the issue of exile through the lens of lived experiences: The space that is the catalyst for departure is the Republic of Djibouti and, more broadly, the Somali community in neighbouring countries.The destination, the object of often illusory hopes, is vast: Western countries (Europe, North America, Australia).The complexities of exile situations are multifaceted, contingent on various factors including access to the host country, age, gender, linguistic proficiency, and the ability (or inability) to assimilate oneself into the prevailing cultural milieu.Additionally, the internal dynamics among migrants, the question of religion – which is often erroneously perceived by the host country – connections with the homeland, etc.are examined.Hence these questions: how can one navigate the intricate landscape of identities and cultures without losing oneself? How to preserve, for the children, a part of the original identity?The book does not seek to oversimplify the multitude of situations nor does it pass judgment – except on the initial circumstances that triggered the exile.It acknowledges, in some cases, a mixed level of integration.
Abdourahman Barkat God, born in 1966 in Djibouti, first taught as a primary school teacher, then, after obtaining a DEA (postgraduate diploma) in 2003, as a French teacher at the Lycée d'État de Djibouti.
He obtained his doctorate in literature in 2010, and then worked in the language department of the Centre d'études et de recherche de Djibouti (CERD).
This publication addresses the issue of exile through the lens of lived experiences: The space that is the catalyst for departure is the Republic of Djibouti and, more broadly, the Somali community in neighbouring countries.The destination, the object of often illusory hopes, is vast: Western countries (Europe, North America, Australia).The complexities of exile situations are multifaceted, contingent on various factors including access to the host country, age, gender, linguistic proficiency, and the ability (or inability) to assimilate oneself into the prevailing cultural milieu.Additionally, the internal dynamics among migrants, the question of religion – which is often erroneously perceived by the host country – connections with the homeland, etc.are examined.Hence these questions: how can one navigate the intricate landscape of identities and cultures without losing oneself? How to preserve, for the children, a part of the original identity?The book does not seek to oversimplify the multitude of situations nor does it pass judgment – except on the initial circumstances that triggered the exile.It acknowledges, in some cases, a mixed level of integration.
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