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Mimi Mystery

Mimi Mystery

Edmund Opare,
Michael Daniel Ambatchew

20,00 €
19,00 € Économisez 5%

A little girl with an angelic voice is banned by her mother from singing in public because it is taboo in her society for a respectable female to sing in public.

Belayn is devastated! She loves singing! How does little Belayn do what she loves most without offending her family?

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Frais d'envoi limités à 4,90 € pour la France métropolitaine quel que soit le nombre d'articles. Délai de livraison : 2 à 5 jours.
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Michael Daniel Ambatchew is one of the most prolific Ethiopian children writers. He has written numerous stories for early childhood, middle childhood and young adult audiences. He was born in Moscow in 1967 to an Ethiopian father and Indian mother and published his first poem at the age of ten. He was named as one of the best African children writers by the Pan African Writers' Association (PAWA). Michael is published in Ethiopia, America, South Africa and now Ghana. He is one of the founding members of "Writers for Ethiopian Children" and has produced eight bilingual anthologies with this group.

Edmund Opare is one of the most renowned and experienced illustrators in Ghana. With a degree in Graphic Design from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology he has spent his entire life as a full-time illustrator. He has worked with a lot of reputable organisations as a freelance illustrator in Ghana and parts of West Africa. He lives in Accra with his family and enjoys painting with watercolour.

Fiche technique

Edmund Opare, Michael Daniel Ambatchew
Sub-Saharan Publishers
Ghana Ghana

Autres oeuvres de Edmund Opare, Michael Daniel Ambatchew

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Yennenga, the Dagomba Princess

Eric Bawah, Edmund Opare
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Nzingha of Angola. The...

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