Based on the teaching experience of its author, this book is a must-have supplemental study tool primarily meant to help top-form French-speaking students, in Africa and elsewhere, prepare for the written baccalauréat ("bac") examination in English.Experience has shown that in addition to their regular textbooks and their teachers' lessons, French-speaking students still badly need just such material for honing their writing skills before sitting for any written tests and examinations in English.
Based on the teaching experience of its author, this book is a must-have supplemental study tool primarily meant to help top-form French-speaking students, in Africa and elsewhere, prepare for the written baccalauréat ("bac") examination in English.Experience has shown that in addition to their regular textbooks and their teachers' lessons, French-speaking students still badly need just such material for honing their writing skills before sitting for any written tests and examinations in English.
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