International terrorism is a major challenge to states' security and stability.
The coordinated action required to combat the changing terrorist threat is further justified by the fact that its complex webs provide advice and services to their subsidiaries.In this extremely complex situation, international borders, which are a point of control for customs, also remain a key vantage point for monitoring strategic trade and intercepting illicit trafficking.
Starting from the Punta Cana Resolution, which was a decisive step in dealing with the terrorist threat, the author focuses on the need to better address the cross-border dimension of terrorism.
International terrorism is a major challenge to states' security and stability.
The coordinated action required to combat the changing terrorist threat is further justified by the fact that its complex webs provide advice and services to their subsidiaries.In this extremely complex situation, international borders, which are a point of control for customs, also remain a key vantage point for monitoring strategic trade and intercepting illicit trafficking.
Starting from the Punta Cana Resolution, which was a decisive step in dealing with the terrorist threat, the author focuses on the need to better address the cross-border dimension of terrorism.
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