A chronicle of ethnic strife and peace building in the North west region of Cameroon

A chronicle of ethnic strife and peace building in the North west region of Cameroon

30,00 €
28,50 € Économisez 5%
The North West Region of Cameroon, unlike many other parts in Africa, has the reputation of being the world's leading theatre for ethnic strife.

Many such conflicts, which involve land and boundary problems, have antecedents in historical legacy.

This study thus addresses ethnic strife of similar circumstances amongst the people of Oku and Mbesa from 1942 to 2017.
Format : Papier

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René Ngek Monteh holds a Ph.D.

in Political History and International Relations.

He is currently a lecturer in history with many publications at his disposal.

Besides that, he is an associate researcher and visiting lecturer at the International School for Security Forces (EIFORCES) and at the Pan-African University, Institute of Governance, Humanities and Social Sciences (PAUGHSS).

Fiche technique

René Ngek Monteh

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