Sainy, a young Gambian, arrives in Paris with high hopes for a better life.Confronted by a minefield of immigration restrictions with which he struggles vainly, he accepts an easy way in by marrying a Gambian-born divorcée and becoming the step-father of the woman's young son.As the months pass, Sainy learns new fact about Africans living in France and sees how their home-grown values of culture, community and morality adapt in their new culture, for better or worse.
Sainy, a young Gambian, arrives in Paris with high hopes for a better life.Confronted by a minefield of immigration restrictions with which he struggles vainly, he accepts an easy way in by marrying a Gambian-born divorcée and becoming the step-father of the woman's young son.As the months pass, Sainy learns new fact about Africans living in France and sees how their home-grown values of culture, community and morality adapt in their new culture, for better or worse.
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