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Interprofessional educational and practice is an approach that has been successful in improving health outcomes.
People living in poverty face many challenges in terms of their health.
Incorporating interprofessional education and practice into the health workforce can improve health outcomes among poor communities.
This exploratory study was conducted to find out the views on interprofessional education and practice among doctors and community health care workers and to explore the factors that help and hinder it from taking place.
Interprofessional education and practice can be rewarding when well conceptualized and supported by institutions and policy makers.
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Le Dr Mudola Manyano est anesthésiste-conseil et s'intéresse particulièrement à l'éducation, à la promotion de la santé et au développement international.
Elle est actuellement directrice du programme « Safe Surgery and Anaesthesia Program » avec ImPACT Africa (Improving Perioperative and Anaesthetic Care Training in Africa) au sein du Center for Public Health & Development, Kenya.
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