Narrative techniques in the Ivorian "new novel
  • Narrative techniques in the Ivorian "new novel
  • Narrative techniques in the Ivorian "new novel

Narrative techniques in the Ivorian "new novel

82,90 €
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between orality, interdiscursivity and intermediality

"Narrative techniques in the Ivorian "new novel": between orality, interdiscursivity and intermediality" is a global analysis of the Ivorian novelistic field.

The corpus is composed of eleven novels published between 1968 and 2010 on solid critical references such as Jacques Chevrier, Barthélémy Kotchy, Pierre N'da, Ahmadou Koné, Gérard Lézou, Oupoh Gnaoulé etc.In the first part (p.14-59), we lay the theoretical foundations of the traditional Ivorian and the new Ivorian novel.

In a second part (p.60-178), we examine the prevalence of oral genres and the renewal of language as an indicator of the aesthetic renewal of the various authors and the ideological scope of this writing of rupture.Finally, the analysis of intermediality as an innovative feature of the Ivorian novel is a particularly interesting perspective.

We first study the multiplication of eclectic media supports and then establish with relevance how the works of Jean-Marie Adiaffi and those of Diégou Bailly espouse in many respects the forms of the cinematographic medium giving rise to the emergence of a true Ivorian cinematographic novel.

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in Modern Letters from the University Alassane Ouattara of Côte d'Ivoire in June 2020, Céline Koffi is interested in new Ivorian writing, literary intermediality and the various relationships that the African novel and more particularly the Ivorian novel have with the resources of oral literature.

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