Contribution of communication in the fight against illegal exploitation
Case of the Non-Ligneous Forest Products "NTFP" of the Yoko Forest Reserve
The deforestation makes some living beings disappear and the Non-Ligneous Forest Products (NLFP) are not spared from this plague of the XXIst Century.
To fight against this illegal exploitation of the Products.
This work shows the contribution of communication as well as the different strategies of communication to fight against any illegal exploitation and to save biodiversity through the change of behavior of the politico-administrative authorities in general and that of the riparian population in particular because biodiversity is very important for the survival of humanity and communication is essential to the functioning of an organization to ensure the effectiveness of its system by allowing the maintenance of a minimum of interdependence between the various individuals, groups, services as well at the internal level and as external.
Flavien MONGITA Etisomba Likoke, born on 22/05/1992 in Kisangani, graduate in Information and Communication Sciences, Assistant at the Marist University of Congo, collaborator of Prof.
TAMBWE Soke and Prof.
IYELE Batsu, Visiting teacher at ISPT/YAHUMA, environmental communication research field.
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