The exercise of the profession of cultural journalist in Côte d'Ivoire
This book presents an in-depth study on the practice of cultural journalism in Côte d'Ivoire.
We make this study on the cultural journalists gathered within the Union of the cultural journalists of Côte d'Ivoire (UJOCCI).
Many points were raised on the insufficiency of this exercise in Côte d'Ivoire because of the lack of training and specialization of the journalists who found themselves in the culture.
Our intention in presenting this study is to offer to the journalists, to the men of the culture, to the artists, a diagnosis which can be used as essential tool to the reinforcement of the effectiveness of any policy aiming at the expansion of the professional journalism specialized in the field of the culture and the arts by the criticism and the analysis.
No one ignores that the amateurism of the cultural journalists is a heavy handicap for the artistic education of the public, for the cultural consumption, for the culture, for the arts and for the expansion of the African artists in general and in particular for those of the Ivory Coast.
Christian H.
GUEHI is a cultural journalist, art critic and expert on the promotion of arts and culture through the media.
A graduate of Senghor University, he is the author of the play ''La Rage du roi'' and 3 books including ''L'impact du journalisme culturel et de la critique d'art sur la consommation culturelle''.
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