Broiler coccidiosis in central Ethiopia
  • Broiler coccidiosis in central Ethiopia
  • Broiler coccidiosis in central Ethiopia

Broiler coccidiosis in central Ethiopia

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Broiler coccidiosis in selected towns of central Ethiopia: Debre Zeit, Dukem, Mojo and Nazareth

Four experiments were conducted to examine: histopathological, hematological and biochemical changes in bloody coccidiosis, risk factors and the anticoccidial effects of Lepidium sativum (LS) seeds and Moringa stenopetala (MS) leaves against coccidiosis.

The disease induced reduction in RBC, PCV, serum ALT, AST, increment in ALP activities and excessive tissue damage.

The incidence of coccidiosis was significantly higher in the small scale broiler farms (P < 0.05) and chickens aged 4-6 wk (P < 0.01).


acervulina, E.

brunetti, E.

maxima, E.

mitis, E.

necatrix and E.

tenella were identified.

LS supplemented diet (LSSD) demonstrated a significantly higher BWG (P < 0.05) and reduction in OPG (P < 0.05), mortality (P < 0.01) and cecal lesion score (P < 0.01).

Moringa leaf powder (MLP) supplemented diet demonstrated significantly increased BWG (P < 0.01) and reduction in cecal lesions (P < 0.01).

The study demonstrated changes in the hematology, histopathology and blood chemistry of coccidiosis infected chickens.

The major factors associated to coccidiosis in this study were related to management.

LSSD demonstrated a good anticoccidial effect.

MLP showed a protective effect.

Format : Papier

Livraison dans le monde entier.
Frais d'envoi limités à 4,90 € pour la France métropolitaine quel que soit le nombre d'articles. Délai de livraison : 2 à 5 jours.


Meskerem Adamu Chere - researcher at Ethiopian biotechnology institute, worked for (13 at Ministry of Agriculture and 9 years at Research).

Served as livestock research process representative and coordinator of the animal health department.

Graduated PhD (Kasetsart), MVSc (Addis Ababa) and DVM (ISCAH) Universities and has published extensively.

Fiche technique

Adamu Meskerem
Éditions universitaires européennes

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