Power Copyediting for the Internet
  • Power Copyediting for the Internet
  • Power Copyediting for the Internet

Power Copyediting for the Internet

61,90 €
58,80 € Économisez 5%

To put it another way, that simple piece alone has produced a million of dollars in sales for Book Marketing Update, the premier newsletter for small publishing companies.

" Our most successful package, which we still use, countians a sales letter that Bob wrote nine years ago! It's helped us make Book Marketing Update, the number one newsletter for book publishers and publicists.

A lot of copywriters can make strong logical sales argument, but Bob also has a real knack for presenting things in an exceptionally emotional and persuasive way - which makes a HUGE diffidence in your response rate." Bill Harrison, Publisher Book Marketing Update Bradley Communications Corp.

Format : Papier

Livraison dans le monde entier.
Frais d'envoi limités à 4,90 € pour la France métropolitaine quel que soit le nombre d'articles. Délai de livraison : 2 à 5 jours.
Pour les produits numériques, frais d'envoi offerts et accès immédiat.


Bob Serling is the author of Power Copyediting for the Internet, the C.E.O of Internet Marketing Center, USA.

He has help professional with strategies in internet marketing techniques.

He serves as consultant over 36 years till date.

Fiche technique

Tetteh Michael
Éditions universitaires européennes
Ghana Ghana

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