Geotechnical Problems of Building Foundations in Yaoundé
  • Geotechnical Problems of Building Foundations in Yaoundé
  • Geotechnical Problems of Building Foundations in Yaoundé

Geotechnical Problems of Building Foundations in Yaoundé

61,90 €
58,80 € Économisez 5%

Yaoundé is a developing city located in the center region of Cameroon and is also the capital of the country.

The demands for buildings, for commercial or residential use, are high.

A building is designed to support the loads applied to it safely.

The foundation is an important part of every building, which interfaces the superstructures to the adjacent soil or rock below it.

Because of the increasing number of building collapses and building damages in Yaoundé, it was necessary to do a research on the geotechnical problems of building foundations and in order to achieve that a geological map of the city has been used.

So, the results have shown that the major causes of foundation problems are a bad design and a bad quality of implementation.

This research project can be separated into two main parts with two chapters per part that are an overview of foundation engineering as the first part and the case studies of geotechnical problems of building foundations in the city as the second part.

The second part of this project research involves for the chapter three the discussion of case studies of geotechnical problems of building foundations analyzed in Yaoundé.

Format : Papier

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Frais d'envoi limités à 4,90 € pour la France métropolitaine quel que soit le nombre d'articles. Délai de livraison : 2 à 5 jours.
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Guy Arnold Ngouda Fonkou, Master in civil engineering specializied in geotechnical engineering, trained at the National Advanced School of Public Works of Yaounde (Cameroon) in partnership with the University of Padua (Italy).

Fiche technique

Guy Arnold Ngouda Fonkou
Éditions universitaires européennes

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