WOMAN, A Mystery of Hidden Power
Woman, A Mystery of Hidden Power is a conscience awakening book for women on their real potential as designed by their Creator.
It is a real instrument of motivation intended to help women in the noble objectives they set for themselves daily.
In effect it is important to let women understand that God created them for a precise purpose and that they are supposed to know how to use it not only for their personal development but also for the benefit of the society as a whole.
Conscious of the inborn qualities of every woman, Barrister Kuwong Tembi Patricia has decided to provide some guidelines which will permit every woman to detect, bring out and valorize them for the greater good of all humanity.
To successfully live in this modern world, women need to be sensitized on who they are and on the new skills that they need to acquire in order to meet up with new challenges.
Patricia Kuwong, the founder of PREMIER INTERNATIONAL bilingual school, author of MY MARRIAGE MY JOY, publisher of the magazine of the same title, President of HOPE MATRIMONIAL AND FAMILY SUPPORT, Motivator and Promoter of the Cameroonian NATIONAL FORUM OF MARRIAGE AND FAMILY LIFE, is a lawyer with the Cameroon Bar, married with four children.
Fiche technique
- Auteur
- Langue
- Français
- Éditeur
- Éditions Muse
- Pays
- Cameroun
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