Enjeux du pilotage pédagogique au Mali, des maux à panser
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This study s carried out to examine the barriers that prevent the Student Nurse and Nursing Officer from transferring the training Nursing Education Programme back to the workplace.
Descriptive survey, using one questionnaire of thirty questions of open and closed ended questions was conducted on hundred respondents.
The main areas of study relate an overview of health sector in Mauritius, definition of training, , cost of training, the responsibility of training and development, theoretical aspects of transfer of training cited by different authors, how to assess transfer of training, empirical review based on facts on transfer of training and finally the barriers associated with transfer of training of the Nursing Education Programme.
holds a Diploma, Higher Diploma and Advanced Diploma in Business Administration From Association of Business Executives,a BA Hons in Business Administration from Lim Kokwing University Malaysia and a MBA in Business Administration specialization in Human Resource Management from University of Technology Mauritius.He is actually working at the Ministry of Health & Quality of Life as Assistance Nurse and parttime lecturer at the University of Technology.
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