Domestic violence in Mabolio Quarter, Beni North Kivu, DRCongo
  • Domestic violence in Mabolio Quarter, Beni North Kivu, DRCongo
  • Domestic violence in Mabolio Quarter, Beni North Kivu, DRCongo

Domestic violence in Mabolio Quarter, Beni North Kivu, DRCongo

39,90 €
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The world, especialy the estern of DRCongo,is living Domestic violence.The North-Kivu province is concerned.This work can help the reader to identify domestic violence,their causes and effects in households at Mabolio quarter in Beni.

Specific goals: To determine those who are concerned by domestic violence at Mabolio quarter; To determine the specific domestic violence at Mabolio quarter;To find causes of domestic violence in Mabolio quarter;To show the effects of domestic violence to families in Mabolio quarter.As results,The majority of parents are concerned by domestic violence.

The result on work ground shows that most couples are living bad behaviors as:Putdowns.

Refusing to use protection when having sex or sabotaging birth control is found in 44, 8%.

That means couples are living in harm.

28.1% accepted that they are pressed to have sex.

This also is forbidden by national laws.

24.5% accepted that there are sexual assaults.

This is also forbidden or punished by the Congolese and the international laws .

23% accused this practice of forcing sex.

This confirms the hypothesis which says bad behaviors, alcohol and aphrodisiac may be the causes of domestic violence in Maboio.

Format : Papier

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Wilson Kasereka Kabwana,Born in 1972,has a degree in community health and development at ULPGL Goma/DRC,Teacher at ISTDM/Beni and a Reseacher in survey supported by UNICEF and ULPGL/Goma.

His is a finalist at Vocational training centre sustained by the MONUSCO/NEBATT CAMP.

His is the Executive Director of PACOPAD an NGO in Beni Town.

Fiche technique

Wilson Kasereka Kabwana
Éditions universitaires européennes

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