Le dispositif sécuritaire du Bénin dans le Golfe de Guinée
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The probability of abnormal events, which threatened human and ecosystems have increased.
Its impacts are already being experienced in terms of gradual increases in temperature, rainfall variability and prevalence of extreme events.
To deal with climate change and variability impacts, different coping and adaptation strategies have been taken into account, but often these strategies have led to land resources degradation.
This book provides the implications of such coping and adaptation strategies on land resources.
It revealed land resources degradation caused by unplanned adaptation strategies particularly cultivation of riverbanks and within crater lakes, intensification of field to the forest and marginal land.
This book therefore serve as a guideline for professionals in planning and implementation of adaptation measures and a baseline for future studies in climate change and variability, land resources management and agricultural production.
Further it contributes in the debate of land resource management and climate change adaptation and increasing of climate change awareness and understanding amongst decision makers and development project planners.
Brown Gwambene has BA in Geography and Environmental Management and MSc in Natural Resource Assessment and Management of the University of Dar es Salaam.
He is a researcher on natural resources, environmental, climate change, wetlands and livelihood issues for 7 years.
He has been involved in different project works and capacity building.
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