Architecture related issues in providing security and QoS in VANET
  • Architecture related issues in providing security and QoS in VANET
  • Architecture related issues in providing security and QoS in VANET

Architecture related issues in providing security and QoS in VANET

54,90 €
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This book takes interest to security and quality of service provision in VANETs.

Four contributions are achieved.

The first contribution consists in providing novel communication architecture for QoS provision in VANets.

In this architecture, the connected vehicles are organized into a tree-based topology to maximize the network coverage, make the global topology less varying, and provide rapid and seamless data connectivity to vehicles, while taking into consideration the different QoS requirements made by applications.

The second contribution is related to QoS provision and resources management in Cloud VANets.

We propose a three-layer based Cloud VANet architecture providing Communication As A Service to mobile vehicles.

The third contribution consists in developing a secure and quality-of-service aware authentication and access control scheme for VANets and Cloud-VANets.

A digital certificate-based vehicle privacy and authentication protocol is provided, which also prevents vehicles against tracking and Sybil attacks.

In the last contribution, we propose a hybrid QoS oriented VLC-based VANET architecture integrating Visible Light Communication.

Format : Papier

Livraison dans le monde entier.
Frais d'envoi limités à 4,90 € pour la France métropolitaine quel que soit le nombre d'articles. Délai de livraison : 2 à 5 jours.


Doctor Mouna Garai received her Ph.D.

in Information and Communication Technologies from the University of Carthage,Tunisia.

She is currently a Technologist of computer technologies at the Higher Institute of Technological Studies of Medenine, Tunisia.

She has been involved in research and has authored many chapters and conference papers.

Fiche technique

Mouna Garai
Éditions universitaires européennes

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