Upgrade programs for small and medium-sized enterprises in Algeria
  • Upgrade programs for small and medium-sized enterprises in Algeria
  • Upgrade programs for small and medium-sized enterprises in Algeria

Upgrade programs for small and medium-sized enterprises in Algeria

35,90 €
34,10 € Économisez 5%

Objectives and results

The opening up of the Algerian economy to the outside world, via the free trade treaties in the framework of the entry into force of the Association Agreement and the implementation of the project of accession to the " The World Trade Organization therefore demanded the presence of the themes of Competitiveness and Performance of companies.

It has thus increased competition in the domestic and international markets.

Indeed, in this context of openness, globalization of competition, the diversity of markets and the rapid process of innovation in products and technological processes have changed the determinants of industrial competitiveness at the international level, In order to strengthen the competitiveness of domestic firms, and in particular those of small size, must therefore be achieved by the establishment of a competitive market economy.

It consists, in fact, in upgrading at once, companies and their environment.

The purpose of this book is therefore to present the genesis of the programs of upgrading and support of SMEs in Algeria, some of which have ended and others have just been launched.

Format : Papier

Livraison dans le monde entier.
Frais d'envoi limités à 4,90 € pour la France métropolitaine quel que soit le nombre d'articles. Délai de livraison : 2 à 5 jours.


Nassima BOURI is a Doctor, Lecturer at the Faculty of Economic Sciences, Management Sciences, Commercial Sciences, Financial andAccounting Sciences of the University of Oran 2 Mohamed Ben Ahmed (Algeria).

She is also a teacher and researcher at the higher school ofeconomics of Oran.

Fiche technique

Nassima Bouri